Linking a File to a Reference

icon_localLinking a file to a reference in a local project

  1. In the Reference Editor, switch to the Reference tab.
  1. Click Local File. Select the file you want to add to the reference. Select one of the following options:
    1. Copy: the file will be copied to the Citavi project folder.
    2. Move: the file will be moved from its original location to your Citavi project folder.
    3. Link: The file will remain in its original location. A link to the file is saved.

If you choose to copy or move the file, you can tell Citavi to give the file a new name. Use the option Copy files, rename with Citavi short title , or Move files and rename with Citavi short title. Citavi uses the short title of the reference. For example, if your file is named chapter1.pdf, the copy might be saved as Miller 2011 - Evidence-based guidelines.pdf. This is a simple way to apply meaningful file names. See also: Renaming PDF files.


You can quickly add a PDF file to a reference by switching to the Reference tab and then dragging the file into the very bottom of the tab. By default, the file is copied to the Citavi project folder. If you press and hold the Shift key while dragging the file, the file will be moved. If you press and hold the Alt key, the file will only be attached and will remain in its original location.

icon_cloudLinking a file to a reference in a cloud project

  1. In the Reference Editor, switch to the Reference tab.
  2. If you have a copy of the file on your own computer or local network, click Local file. Select the file you want to add to the reference. Select one of the following options:
    1. Copy.
    2. Copy files, rename with Citavi short title.

The selected file will be copied to the Citavi Cloud as long as it is not larger than 50 MB. Citavi will attempt to compress a PDF file before uploading it. You can also upload the file without compression. Click the arrow next to the Local file button. Then, select Upload uncompressed PDF.

icon_serverLinking a file to a reference in a DBServer project

The options are the same as for a reference in a local project.