How we can help

Use the Citavi support search to search the manual, FAQs, user forum, and our tutorial videos all at once.

If You're Just Beginning to Use Citavi:

Getting Started Guide
In this four-page PDF you can quickly get acquainted with Citavi's main features.

Mastering Citavi
Take part in a crash course on Citavi in a series of eight emails.

Slideshows show you the most frequently used features in a series of screenshots.

We've answered a selection of support questions in video format on our YouTube channel.

Analyzing PDFs with Citavi 6
Learn how annotate PDFs in this 23-page guide.

Writing a Research Paper with Citavi
Writing a research paper can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be! Check out our tutorial to see how Citavi can support you along the way.

If You Want to Get to Know Citavi Better:

User Manual Citavi 6     User Manual Citavi Web      User Manual Citavi Account
In our user manuals, you'll find detailed explanations of Citavi's many features.

Knowledge Base
If something doesn't go as is expected, this is the first place to look for a solution.

In our user forum you can find answers to other users' questions. Often these include step-by-step instructions and screenshots. Questions can be basic, but you will also find more unusual queries. You can ask a question here as well.

Important: We reserve the right to delete forum posts without warning if the post contains the following:

  • Advertisement for a product or service
  • Links to malware or a website with malware
  • Derogatory, discriminatory or offensive language

To protect your privacy, we will also delete any content from your forum posts that unintentionally contains personal information (for example, telephone numbers or email addresses).

If You Can't Find an Answer in the Manual, Forum, or Knowledge Base:

Help Desk
Registered users can receive personal email support from our team.

Live Support
For difficult cases that cannot be solved any other way, we will recommend a live support session. During the session, one of our support team members can view your screen to better find the source of the problem.

If Something is Missing from Your Life:

Request a Citation Style
We'll create citation styles for you using the style guidelines provided by a journal or publishing house.

Request an Online Resource
If a database or library catalog you want to use is missing from Citavi's online search, please let us know. We'll contact the database provider to take care of the legal and technical questions.

If You Want to Keep up to Date:

Email Newsletter
A summary of our most interesting news is sent out a few times a year in our newsletter.

On Facebook we share interesting questions and tips — as well as some of the news from around our water cooler.

You'll find time-sensitive news on Twitter.

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