Inserting Quotations and Thoughts into a Publication

Insert quotations and thoughts into your publication by using the Publication Assistant. You can insert the quotation in the main body of your text and the citation and corresponding bibliography entry will be added automatically.

  1. In Citavi open the project that you want to use for your document.
  2. On the Citation menu, click Publication Assistant and switch to the Knowledge Items tab. Click Float Float window on the toolbar of the Publication Assistant to keep the window floating over your word processor and to hide other Citavi windows.
  3. Click the quotation or thought that you want to insert into your document.
  4. Switch to your document and place the insertion point in the spot where the quotation or thought should be inserted.
  5. Select the quotation or thought in the Publication Assistant. Choose one of the following options:

If you want to insert the citation placeholder into your publication rather than the full text of the quotation, switch to the Knowledge Items tab. On the Citation menu, click Placeholder only.

If you want to insert the core statement in addition to the quotation, switch to the Knowledge Items tab. On the Citation menu, click Include core statement.