Searching Attached Files

The feature described here is available in Citavi 5.3 and later for Citavi for DBServer. To use the search feature, full text search needs to be configured on the SQL Server.

You can search the full text of files that you've attached to references in your project.

Searching files

  1. In the Reference Editor on the toolbar click Search or press Ctrl+F.
  2. To search all attached files, insert the field code ft:. You can also directly enter your search term without the field code, but then Citavi will look for the search term in all fields in your project in addition to your attached files.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Citavi displays the files containing the search term under Locations.
  5. Select the file you want view and click Show.


When you enter the term Information literacy Citavi searches all fields and all attached files.
t: information literacy searches for the term in title fields but not in quotations, attached files, etc.
ft: information literacy searches for the term in attached files but not in title fields, quotations, etc.
a: Smith AND ft: information literacy searches for the author "Smith" and an attached file containing the term "information literacy".

Helpful Hints