Optional Settings

In Word on the Citavi tab you can customize how you want to work with the Word Add-In:

Citing knowledge items

In Citavi, a quotation consists of the text of the quotation, the citation for the quotation, as well as a core statement. The Quote knowledge item as option can be used to change what's included when you insert a quotation into your document. For example, you can select that only the citation for a quotation should be inserted or that the text of the quotation should be inserted with its citation and core statement.

Changing the default insertion point for citations.

The citation style you select determines whether citations are inserted in the text or in footnotes. The Default position option can be used to insert a footnote if the style generally calls for in-text citations. However, you generally should leave this setting as Default.

Begin category headings at

You can import your Citavi categories in Word. As a default, Citavi applies the Heading 1 style in Word to the top category level, the Heading 2 style to the second highest category level, etc.

If you are using the Heading 1 style for another purpose, you can begin the category headings at the Heading 2 style.

Apply Citation Style Formatting Automatically

Some citation styles use many cross references, especially footnote styles with cross-references such as "see Footnote 13". If you have a large number of footnotes, Word needs to carry out many operations when cross references are used. If you are using a style with cross references and notice that performance is slow, clear the Apply citation style formatting automatically checkbox. You can then update your citations and bibliography manually on the Citavi ribbon by clicking Refresh.

Linking Image Files Instead of Embedding

Image quotations can be inserted just like text citations. You can choose to embed or link image files into your document.

Embedding allows you to include all information in your document. However, it greatly increases the file size.

Linking images allows you to keep the file size down. However, it's difficult to send your document to others because you then also have to send all of the linked images. You also can run into problems if you rename your image files or move them. Then Word will no longer be able to find the files.

No bibliography

Almost all citation styles require a bibliography at the end of the publication. Styles that use full citations in the footnotes are exceptions.

If you don't want a bibliography to appear even if the citation style calls for one, select the No bibliography checkbox.


The bibliography heading is controlled by the citation style you select. If you want to suppress the heading, select the No heading option. To use a different heading, enter it in the New heading field.

Automatically apply style

You can use Word templates to make sure your document has a consistent appearance throughout. Using a template is also necessary if you want to create indexes such as a table of contents or an image index.

Citavis Word Add-In helps you use the relevant Word templates. You can tell Citavi that certain elements from your project should automatically be assigned a certain style template. As a default, the Word Add-In assumes that categories should be inserted using the styles "Heading 1", "Heading 2", etc.

Select the Show custom styles checkbox if you've defined your own styles in Word and want to use them for certain Citavi elements.


Citavi's Word Add-In inserts all references in your project as fields. If you notice any issues with the appearance of these fields, you can repair them. The Citavi Word Add-In creates a copy of your document and inserts all the fields again.