Creating a Custom Export Definition

In addition to the default, Citavi includes export definitions specifically for various TeX packages, including jurabib and natbib. To create a custom export definition:

  1. In the Reference Editor on the File menu, point to Export and then click Export.
  2. Choose which references to export, and then click Next.
  3. Select one of the existing BibTeX export definitions, and then click Next.
  4. Click Edit BibTeX export definition, and then click Next.
  5. Define the reference type mapping if desired. Click Next.
  6. Define the field mapping. To set a field as "required" in the BibTeX key, click the circle next to it. Then click Next. Select additional export options for the export definition and then click Next.
  7. Give the export definition a name and a description for the Quick Help areas, and then click Next.
  8. Create a BibTeX file (start at step 4).


Sometimes you only need a single reference in BibTeX format, for example to paste it into an online form. You can copy a single reference to the Clipboard in BibTeX format: in the Reference Editor, right-click the reference in the preview area and click Copy formatted reference. Then click BibTeX format and after that click OK. The reference is copied to the Clipboard using the BibTeX export definition you last used.